The Breaking Point Season 4 - Featured Video

By Alex Comstock 

If you're looking for another outlet to get your whitetail fix, I've got a good one for you. The guys over at The Breaking Point just kicked off releasing their Season 4 episodes. I've watched this show progress over the last couple of years, and they have continually improved and become one of my favorites. What I particularly enjoy is the realness they bring that the average deer hunter can relate to. Not to mention, they're dang good hunters, and knock down some big bucks. 

With that, if you haven't checked them out, be sure to do so. They are releasing a new episode every Wednesday at 3:00pm across various social media channels. The best places to watch can be on their Facebook page here or their YouTube page as well. If you have apps such as CarbonTV or WayPointTV, you can also watch there. 

Season 4 will consist of 13 episodes, which will all be whitetail hunts, except episode 1, which was a bear hunt. 

If you want to check out episode 1 and 2, I embedded them below for you to tune in. After watching those, head over to their social media channels and do some more indulging of whitetail content. If you're like me, you can never find enough quality whitetail content to soak in. Enjoy!