
It's Time to Dig Deeper, Always Ask Yourself Why

It's Time to Dig Deeper, Always Ask Yourself Why

Rarely does anything ever happen in a whitetails day that is random. Have you ever thought about that? There is a reason behind every movement. This is even more true when talking about a mature whitetail buck. Everything they do in a day is highly calculated. Every step is taken with caution, and every bed used is done so with precision. Even when some things might seem random during the craziness of the rut, there is still a reason behind what they do. After every hunt, analyze what you saw, and ask why that happened. If you can do this, and put more pieces of the puzzle together, and act on it, you might just be putting yourself in a better position in the future. 

Getting Inside The Mind of Dan Infalt, The Big Buck Serial Killer

Getting Inside The Mind of Dan Infalt, The Big Buck Serial Killer

By Alex Comstock 

Dan Infalt is known for being a big buck serial killer. But do you know what goes through his head on a day to day basis when hunting whitetails? In this awesome video Dan recently published on his Youtube Channel - The Hunting Beast, he gives a detailed outlook during a three week hunt for a big buck.

4 Ways to Stay Motivated When Nothing Goes Your Way

4 Ways to Stay Motivated When Nothing Goes Your Way

It's natural for us as deer hunters to be optimistic going into deer season, and constantly playing out situations in our head on how season will go. You want to shoot that big 4 year old buck you have years of history with, and think you know exactly how opening week. But, more often than not, things don't go your way, and it is extremely easy to become frustrated.

Walking in the Dark

Walking in the Dark

It seems to simple right? But in reality, I'm not so convinced it is as cut and dry as we all think. Have you ever thought of how you walk into your stand in the morning? Or even how you walk back to the truck after a great evening sit? Now, I mean the actual act of taking step after step into and out of your sacred hunting ground. You may have the best entry and exit route ever known to man. If there is the right wind, it could be bulletproof. Think though, just for a second, what the conditions are when you are physically walking into and out of your stand. It is usually under the cover of darkness. Knowing how to to do this successfully may lead to a greater amount of success in the future.