#Shedrally 2018 is on The Horizon

By Alex Comstock 

Are you looking for the perfect excuse to get out for a weekend of shed hunting? Well, I think this is the perfect opportunity! Whitetail Properties is putting on their annual #Shedrally, which is the world's largest shed hunt again this year. #Shedrally is an organized shed hunt, meant to bring together people all over the country out in pursuit of antlers. This year, #Shedrally will be held on March 10th and 11th. 

Are you maybe wondering what the heck I'm talking about? What is this #Shedrally I keep referencing? It's simply a way to connect shed hunters all over through the use of social media. You head out to search for some bone on these two days, and share your experiences on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram using the hashtag #Shedrally. Not only do you just share your shed hunting experiences on social media, by using the hashtag, you could win prizes from Legendary Whitetails, Whitetail Properties, Realtree, Yeti, Scentlok, LaCrosse Boots, Winchester, and Dog Bone

This is a great opportunity to get out and introduce new people to hunting. It's also a perfect excuse to get the whole family outside for a weekend and make everyone feel like they are participating in something. I know I'll be out that weekend, and hopefully you will too! 

Also, be sure to watch the video below from Whitetail Properties detailing this year's #Shedrally. I can't wait to see everyone's videos and photos!