3 Recommended Products from the ATA Show to Get in 2018

By Alex Comstock 

During the course of time I spent at the ATA show, I was looking at products and thinking, what makes sense for people to use? It was actually a rather difficult question to answer given the wide scope of hunting backgrounds people have, the different types of areas people chase whitetails, and simply that everyone has different outlooks on products. But I settled on three different products that I'd recommend to people, and here they are. 

1. Sitka Gear's Layering and Early Season Clothing


Sitka Gear released a plethora of new items for 2018, but a few stood out to me above the rest. They unveiled a new early season series, including an early season shirt, pant, hat, and gloves. These items are super light, have areas that are mesh to help funnel air around, and contain their polygiene odor technology. Two of their layering pieces that I really liked included the Celsius midi jacket and stratus bibs. The midi jacket will be a great layering piece, and the stratus bibs will be a great addition to the stratus system. The jacket will be well served on those chiller early season mornings as an outer layer or can go well under a heavier jacket like the stratus or fanatic jacket. The stratus bibs have windstopper to help cut the wind on those colder days. 

To see more, visit Sitkagear.com

2. Fourth Arrow's Triple Camera Arm


Fourth arrow is a camera arm that I've been intrigued with for some time now. This new triple camera arm may be the reason I ultimately try them out. With an extended reach of 34", this camera arm could give you the ability to film more easily all around you. The biggest problem I have with self filming is when I have the camera on my right side, but want to film deer behind me to the left, and my camera arm can't reach around me. This arm might be able to solve that issue. 

To see more, visit fourtharrowcameraarms.com 

3. Wild Carrot Deer Scents


Wild Carrot is a new deer scent that is unique to any other scent. These are packaged in patented pouch's that you tear when ready to use. You rip the top, pull the scent stick out of the pouch, and then can drag it, or hang it on a limb over a mock scrape, etc. These were designed to alleviate the problem of having a mess on your hands when dealing with a bottle of deer scent. 

To see more, visit www.wildcarrotscents.com