Understanding The Love and Respect Deer Hunters Have For The Animal

Understanding The Love and Respect Deer Hunters Have For The Animal

By Alex Comstock 

In this day and age of hunting, with numbers continuing to fall, especially with the number of deer hunters, I think it's important we reach as many "non-hunters" as possible to explain the intricacies that people may not understand about hunting. Deer hunting is such a multi layered activity, and there's so many different levels to it. I think sometimes people get it misconstrued and think we only shoot big bucks for chess pieces on the wall, or that we don't respect whitetail deer.

Attempting To Answer The Question "Why Do You Hunt?"

Attempting To Answer The Question "Why Do You Hunt?"

By Alex Comstock 

As a hunter, you are inevitably going to be asked at some point in your life why you hunt. It might be someone challenging you, or it could be someone that's genuinely interested in hunting who wants to understand where you come from. It's actually pretty compelling to me. As a hunter, we're in the center of everything that has to do with hunting right? We live it and breath it everyday, and sometimes it can be hard to see it from the perspective of someone who has never hunted a day in their life. So if you were to take and try to explain to them why you hunt, how would you put it? It can be a unique conversation, and here's my attempt at how I would explain to someone why I hunt. 

Recruiting New Hunters with QDMA's Hank Forester and Matt Ross

Recruiting New Hunters with QDMA's Hank Forester and Matt Ross

By Alex Comstock

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about the declining number of hunters in America. The numbers are slightly alarming, and as hunters, if we want hunting to prosper, we need to be recruiting more people to start hunting. One organization that is making a big difference when it comes to recruiting new people to hunting is the Quality Deer Management Association.

The Importance of Portraying Hunting in a Positive Light

The Importance of Portraying Hunting in a Positive Light

By Alex Comstock 

In our latest Q&A, I interviewed two professional photographers in Steven Drake and Sam Soholt. It was one of our best pieces on WhitetailDNA (you can read it by clicking HERE) and it inspired this blog post. It's something I've been thinking a lot about lately, and that's the declination in the number of hunters. We'll be having a more in depth piece coming soon about the declining number of hunters, and what we can do about it, but one thing I wanted to bring up now was the fact that we as hunters need to make sure we're portraying hunting in a positive light at all times, and not just focusing on the kill.

Unethical Actions Because of Big Bucks | Attempting to Answer Why it's Done

Unethical Actions Because of Big Bucks | Attempting to Answer Why it's Done

By Alex Comstock 

I've been thinking recently about how big bucks make people do things that are pretty crazy and dumb. And I'm not talking about in a good way. Not the crazy and dumb where you sit all day in a tree in single digit temperatures. I'm talking about about the crazy and dumb where people steal, trespass, poach, etc. all because of one thing - big bucks. Big antlers and giant bucks are awesome, no doubt about it, but when they start dictating you, or cause you to do illegal things that you otherwise would never think about doing, that's when it becomes a problem. 

The Importance of a Good Attitude When It Comes To Deer Hunting

The Importance of a Good Attitude When It Comes To Deer Hunting

By Alex Comstock 

A good attitude can go a long ways. It can even affect decisions you make, and ultimately the results that you have in a particular aspect of your life. No matter what it is, attitude can play a big role, and have a larger impact on things than you may think, and deer hunting is no different. 

#Shedrally 2018 is on The Horizon

#Shedrally 2018 is on The Horizon

By Alex Comstock 

Are you looking for the perfect excuse to get out for a weekend of shed hunting? Well, I think this is the perfect opportunity! Whitetail Properties is putting on their annual #Shedrally, which is the world's largest shed hunt again this year. #Shedrally is an organized shed hunt, meant to bring together people all over the country out in pursuit of antlers. This year, #Shedrally will be held on March 10th and 11th. 

Something To Keep In Mind | Hunting is All About The Animal

Something To Keep In Mind | Hunting is All About The Animal

By Alex Comstock 

This time of the year I tend to spend a lot of time in deep thought about all things to do with deer hunting. From tactical to the path our country is on as it pertains to the hunting world, and everything in between. Lately, I've been spending a fair amount of time thinking about the developments of our hunting industry and some things that people may be overlooking. 

The Top Online Hunting Shows and Places to Watch Them in 2018

The Top Online Hunting Shows and Places to Watch Them in 2018

By Alex Comstock 

In today's hunting show realm, the digital side of it continues to grow larger and larger. For me personally, I don't have cable TV, and therefore I consume all of my hunting shows via the internet. There's a ton of online shows out there, and a lot of different places you can go to consume online hunting shows. Today, I wanted to run through some of my favorites, and some websites you can go to in order to watch these. 

Gear Review: OnX Maps

Gear Review: OnX Maps

By Alex Comstock 

This past year I started using a new tool for hunting, and it's been something that's been game changing for me. OnX maps has literally changed the way I scout, look at maps, identify public and private land, and ultimately hunt. OnX is something I'd strongly recommend to anybody, whether you hunt public land, or own your own property, and here's why. 

Best Podcasts for Whitetail Hunters in 2018

Best Podcasts for Whitetail Hunters in 2018

By Alex Comstock 

Over the last couple of years, the podcast realm has continued to grow, and more and more podcasts have filled the airways. This can be a good and bad thing. There's a lot of great information out there to consume, but sometimes it may be difficult to figure out what fits your style, and what podcasts are worth listening to for you. Today, I wanted to go over some of the ones that I like, and highlight the best podcasts that I and you should be listening to in 2018. 

3 Recommended Products from the ATA Show to Get in 2018

3 Recommended Products from the ATA Show to Get in 2018

By Alex Comstock 

During the course of time I spent at the ATA show, I was looking at products and thinking, what makes sense for people to use? It was actually a rather difficult question to answer given the wide scope of hunting backgrounds people have, the different types of areas people chase whitetails, and simply that everyone has different outlooks on products. But I settled on three different products that I'd recommend to people, and here they are. 

5 Unique Products From The ATA Show

5 Unique Products From The ATA Show

By Alex Comstock 

My first ATA show is a wrap, and it was a great experience. I met a lot of great people and created new relationships. There's also a bunch of new products coming out in 2018, and I wanted to highlight five products that I thought were pretty unique. With that, here are a few of the more unique products to be looking forward to this next year!

Gear Review: Exodus Lift II Trail Camera

Gear Review: Exodus Lift II Trail Camera

By Alex Comstock 

Last summer I began hearing about a rather new trail camera company that seemed to be performing quite well. Me being someone who runs anywhere between ten and thirty trail cameras at one time spread across three states, I started to look into Exodus trail cameras. About that time, they came out with their brand new model, the "Lift II". 

It's Time for Hunters to Stop Bashing Hunters

It's Time for Hunters to Stop Bashing Hunters

By Alex Comstock 

Lately, I've taken notice to something alarming within the deer hunting community. Every time I see it, I cringe, and it's something I've wanted to write about for some time now, but I haven't found the right words to phrase it. I've decided that it's time to go for it, and shoot from the hip, but I'm going to attempt to explain it in the best way that I can. 

Think You're Pumped For Deer Season? Season Two of Chasing November May Put You Over The Edge

Think You're Pumped For Deer Season? Season Two of Chasing November May Put You Over The Edge

Just as I thought I was getting to a relatively stable mindset for this upcoming deer season, I got a YouTube notification. Season two of Midwest Whitetail's Chasing November had been uploaded. You can probably guess how I'll spend the majority of my next few nights. 24 episodes of pure gold is going to be watched, and then I'll officially be losing my mind, counting down the hours until I'll be back in a treestand.

Bringing a Company to Life in The Hunting Industry with Chad Sylvester

Bringing a Company to Life in The Hunting Industry with Chad Sylvester

Let's switch it up for a minute, and rather than talk about a tactic, strategy, or story, today I wanted to bring you a different type of interview. I'd venture to guess that at some point in your hunting life, you were dissatisfied with a product. Maybe you even thought you should start a company of your own so you could make that product how you wanted. But thinking about this, and actually doing it are worlds apart.