Gear Review: Hawk Helium Hang on Stand and Climbing Sticks

Gear Review: Hawk Helium Hang on Stand and Climbing Sticks

Hawk Helium Hang on Stand: Let's start out with the stand itself, and the positives that go with it. First of all, it is very well put together. This is the first actual nice stand I have owned, and it is easy to tell how much better put together it is than a cheap $30 stand from Menards. Simply put, I felt exponentially safer in the tree. Next, it is light. It is rated at 10lbs, with a 21" by 27" platform. It is small and compact enough to pack in easily, and is big enough to be comfortable when sitting in. Also, the seat is extremely comfortable. It is by far the most comfortable seat cushion I have ever sat on while being in a tree. Last, but not least, it gripped the tree very well. It was a quick setup, and was very sturdy while in use. What I like about this stand is its price, as it retails at $129. 

A Self Filmers Dilemma: Camera or Deer?

A Self Filmers Dilemma: Camera or Deer?

Nowadays it seems as though everybody is carrying a camera with them into the woods. Whether you want to make your own TV show, film for fun, or like to put YouTube videos together, we all film for different reasons. If you're new to self filming, or are thinking about starting to partake in it, you've got to ask yourself one vital question. If you've been self filming for some time now, you've already answered it. Camera or Deer? 

The 4 Best Ways To Get Discounted Hunting Gear

The 4 Best Ways To Get Discounted Hunting Gear

Hunting gear is expensive, no doubt about it. Especially if you want decent quality with your gear, it can get really really expensive. Thankfully, there are ways out there to avoid paying full price for quality hunting gear. Whether that be clothing, bows, rangefinders, boots, you name it, the following four ways are what I've found to be the best way to buy quality discounted gear. 

7 Things To Keep in Your Pack At All Times

7 Things To Keep in Your Pack At All Times

Hunting packs, I don't know what I'd do without mine. I'm not sure how some folks can go on a hunt without one. My pack is always filled not only with items of necessity, but plenty of things I don't need as well causing quite the heavy weight on my back. You don't necessarily need quite the overkill that I have, but here are 7 things you should always have in your pack, no matter what time of the year it is. 

Expanding Your Knowledge with The Hunting Beast

Expanding Your Knowledge with The Hunting Beast

Forums, we've all heard about them. I'm guessing more negative than positive. Forums have known to become pretty nasty at times, especially when people get the slightest bit offended. If you haven't heard of The Hunting Beast forum, it's time to look into it. For the longest time, I had known of The Hunting Beast, and it's creator Dan Infalt, but I never took the time to join. Recently, I finally did, and boy am I happy I made that decision. 

CarbonTV | Ultimate Online Resource for Hunting Shows

CarbonTV | Ultimate Online Resource for Hunting Shows

Do you love watching hunting shows, or have a particular show you love to watch, but you don't have cable or get a certain channel? Since about May, I stopped receiving cable to save on some money, but in turn, not getting to watch the Sportsmans Channel or Outdoor Channel was killing me. I had heard of CarbonTV before, but never really thought too much of it. That was a mistake. If you are a deer junkie as I am, CarbonTV is a must have, and is a great way to get that whitetail fix while counting down the days until opener in your state. 

The 5 Best Mature Buck States to DIY Hunt in September

The 5 Best Mature Buck States to DIY Hunt in September

Bowhunting whitetails is my greatest passion in life. For most of you reading this, I would assume that line of thought probably falls into your belief as well. I absolutely love the chess match that one plays when trying to hunt and ultimately harvest a mature buck. My favorite time of the year is hunting in September, because I can pattern and really learn how a deer lives in the summer, and then apply it to hunting him early in the season while he is still on that summer pattern. More often than not, when a buck sheds his velvet, there is a change in his testosterone levels. This usually goes hand in hand with a change in home range. This can take place anytime within a couple weeks of the velvet coming off the antlers, which usually occurs sometime in the first week or two of September. Based on that notion, most bucks home range will change sometime at the end of September, or very beginning of October. 

The 5 Best Hunting Podcasts 2016

The 5 Best Hunting Podcasts 2016

Podcasts are a great way to get that whitetail fix, or to soak in hunting information. I personally enjoy listening to podcasts because I don't have to stop what I'm doing to read a magazine or watch a TV show. It gives me the ability to digest information while driving, working out, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, etc. etc. Simply plug in your headphones, turn your favorite podcast on, and your ready to go. With the 2016 hunting season almost upon us, here is my top 5 (in no order) hunting podcasts to listen to this year. 

The Best In The Business

The Best In The Business

Sometimes the days can drag on when it's not actually deer season. How do you get your whitetail fix when your craving the days of sitting in a deer stand? I know for me personally, I try to soak in as much as I can. I'm constantly reading books and magazines, and watching TV and web shows. I have found that there is a lot of dramatized material in the hunting industry these days. But there is a lot of good information out there as well. I'm going to go over some of my favorites. Do you agree with me?

Five Hunting Apps That Can Be Game Changers

Five Hunting Apps That Can Be Game Changers

Remember back in the old days when you would watch the weather channel in the morning to find out what the days outlook would be while hunting? And then you would have a flagging tape trail to your deer stand while holding a compass? Along with that, the only way you knew what kind of deer activity other people were experiencing was by word of mouth. I sure don't! I'm not old enough to have experienced that type of hunting but I've heard plenty about how it used to be back in the day. In this day and age, apps are everywhere. There are so many hunting apps out there; how do you know what is helpful and what is junk? I've listed five apps here that I use, which I think can be extremely beneficial to your hunting and scouting efforts.