The Importance Behind Summer Scouting and Trail Cameras

The Importance Behind Summer Scouting and Trail Cameras

By Alex Comstock 

There are all kinds of ways you can hunt whitetails, and everyone has their own way of doing it. To some, summer might not be as important of a time frame. See Preparing for Whitetail Season with Brennen Nading for a good example. For others, summer can be a crucial part of the plan. In today's blog post, I'm going to hit on some of the important things that can be taken away from summer scouting and trail cameras if you still have work to do. 

3 Mistakes To Avoid This Summer

3 Mistakes To Avoid This Summer

By Alex Comstock 

As summer starts to get rolling, more and more of you will be doing whitetail related activities in preparation for the 2018 season, as will I. Depending on your hunting style, summer can be a crucial time of the year, and the outcome of your season could hinge on what you accomplish, and what you don't screw up. There are ways you can hurt yourself for fall, and it's important you don't make these following mistakes. The more you can accomplish and the less mistakes you make, will in turn create more optimal hunting for you in a few months. 

3 Summertime Whitetail Chores That Need to Get Done

3 Summertime Whitetail Chores That Need to Get Done

By Alex Comstock 

Before you know it, the next few months will fly by, and summer will be over seemingly before it even started. With that in mind, there are numerous critical things that need to get done over the coming months, and today I wanted to highlight a few summertime whitetail "chores" that need to get done before season rolls around. 

Two Things To Accomplish This Summer for Big Payoffs in The Fall

Two Things To Accomplish This Summer for Big Payoffs in The Fall

By Alex Comstock 

As a hardcore deer hunter, I'm always looking for an edge or a way to get better as a hunter. There's usually a list of things I could be doing to get better as a mature buck hunter, but inevitably, not all of them are going to get done. As I was thinking of things to accomplish this summer, two have rose to the top of the list, and by accomplishing both of these, they'll hopefully lead me to a better chance of a big payoff come fall. 

3 Keys To Scouting Big Woods Bucks

3 Keys To Scouting Big Woods Bucks

By Alex Comstock 

Hunting big woods bucks can present quite the unique challenge. There's a reason people travel to the true midwest to hunt big whitetails, and that's not only because they get bigger in cornfed country, but they are easier to hunt as well. I've hunted mainly in three states during my lifetime. Minnesota (northern region), North Dakota, and Nebraska. In North Dakota and Nebraska, deer in general are more predictable and it doesn't take as much work to look at a map and guess how they are going to move. I'm not saying it's easy, but there's an added challenge trying to arrow a mature buck in thousands of acres of hardwood forests. This coming season I'll be spending more time in the Northern Minnesota big woods than I ever have, and here's three things I'm keying in on during my scouting efforts and what you could be too if you hunt in a big woods setting.

Learning How To Photograph Your Hunts with Sam Soholt and Steven Drake

Learning How To Photograph Your Hunts with Sam Soholt and Steven Drake

By Alex Comstock 

Photography can be a powerful thing when done right. The right picture can elicit memories from a hunt, and when you reflect on a picture, it can bring you right back to that moment. A singular image can capture and tell a whole story. Recently, I reached out to a couple professional photographers in Steven Drake and Sam Soholt and wanted to get both of their perspectives on all things related to hunting photography. If you wish to improve your photography game at all, their answers to these questions will undoubtedly help you. Enjoy our Q&A with Sam and Steven below! 

How To Train Your Eyes To Find Shed Antlers

How To Train Your Eyes To Find Shed Antlers

By Alex Comstock 

The moment I started understanding what to look for when shed hunting is when I actually started finding them in my life. When I was younger, I seemingly never found antlers, and even when I would shed hunt with friends, it always seemed like I was the only one to never find anything. Among other things, my biggest problem was that I didn't know how to look for sheds. More specifically, my eyes weren't trained to find them. It took me awhile, but after training my eyes to find antlers, I then started picking more up, and have only gotten better since then. 

3 Places Others Aren't Looking To Find Sheds

3 Places Others Aren't Looking To Find Sheds

By Alex Comstock 

This winter has been quite the tough one for me. I was just getting ready to start hitting shed hunting hard this past month, but we have been getting absolutely dumped on with snow. Last year at this time I was living in North Dakota and enjoying my best shed season of my life. As of right now, I've only been out a couple of times and have only scooped up one antler. As I started thinking about where I've found some of my sheds over the years, I started to realize I sometimes like to look in places that are sometimes overlooked or tough to get to. Here are a few places that might not be getting searched by shed hunters in your area that could be worth checking out. 

3 Things To Love About Scouting for Whitetails

3 Things To Love About Scouting for Whitetails

By Alex Comstock 

As I sit here and type this, I keep glancing out of my bedroom window. I can hardly see anything at all because of how much snow we've got right now. Northern Minnesota can present its challenges when it comes to spring scouting, simply because our spring is so short. So while I'm dreaming about scouting, here's a few things to love about it while you're out collecting information for next deer season.